Beam is a highly flexibe tool that enables engineers to quickly and accurately design pretensioned concrete flexural members.
Bcan calculates moments, shears, axial forces, deflections, and rotations for continuous, indeterminate beams or multistory columns using the direct stiffness method of analysis.
Lateral3 is a powerful and general program for the 3-dimensional analysis of multistoried shear-wall systems subject to lateral forces.
Compmem analyzes rectangular, T- or flanged shaped compression members subjected to known axial forces and moments.
Salmons Technologies, Inc. was formed in 2003, under the guidance and vision of Tim Salmons, for the purpose of maintaining, upgrading, and adding to the precast engineering software formerly developed by Jacques & Aswad, Inc.
Dating back to 1972, when Stanley Structures first began working on developing a flexural member design program (Beam), the programs have stood the test of time. Providing accurate calculations, a familiar user interface experience, and output in an easily reviewed format has helped our programs become an essential tool for design profressionals both in and out of the precast industry.
Our line of software continues in the plant-oriented tradition, with great versatility giving the user the ability to control nearly all aspects of the design. Code based values are always defaulted, but the user has total control to modify values to fit custom situations. Software brought to you by trusted leaders in the precast industry. The future is bright with new features, integrations, and user interface upgrades currently under development.
Ready to start your next project with STI Software? Give us a call or send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible!